Our goal - Identify threats and vulnerabilities to prepare for evolving cyber security risks
Proven Standards -
NIST Risk Management Framework
The NIST RMF process is a proven assessment & authorization process providing comprehensive coverage and maintains a continuous monitoring approach to keep your organization safe well after the initial cyber assessment.
Proven Experience
Resilient Point’s experts have worked on large DoD RMF projects including, the Defense Information Systems Agency - Joint Regional Security Stack project and supporting RMF efforts at the US Department of State. The Resilient Point team has guided RMF packages from Initial Categorization all the way through their Authority to Operate (ATO) and continuous monitoring phases.
We can help you leverage industry frameworks to understand the organization’s strategic profile including:
Business objectives
Policies and procedures
Security architecture to develop a Security Program Plan.
Governance & Policy Development
Security Program Plans can provide your organization a foundation. Resilient Point has a wealth of experience in developing these plans for our customers.
Organization governance
Data protection
Risk management
Identity and access management
Incident response
Protective technologies
Security training.
Penetration Testing
Simulate real-world attacks
Identify methods for exploiting the security features of an application, system, or network